Protect your energy

Do you feel drained when you’ve been out in public? Exhausted after a phone call with a family member? Anxious at the thought of going to a party? I would guess you are an empath or sensitive soul and are most likely susceptible to burn out.

These symptoms could be caused by other people syphoning your energy. It sounds horrific, and in some cases it can have a huge detrimental impact on your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. But there are many ways you can counteract this.

The first thing to remember is it’s not always a conscious act on behalf of the other person. In fact, I would argue that most “energy vampires” don’t have a clue they do this. All they know is that when they are in your company, they feel good. Probably because you have a gentle nature or are very warm-hearted, understanding or a great listener.

And that is amazing… We need souls like you on this Earth to help balance all the chaos and disharmony! However, energetic burnout is just not sustainable for you or your wellbeing. So what can you do to counteract this or even prevent it happening in the first place?

My number one tip is learn how to shield your energy.

Ways you can do this are:

  • Wearing protective crystals. My favourite for this is Black Tourmaline. I always have a piece either in my pocket or handbag and there’s also one in my car at all times.

  • Visualisations such as being surrounded by a protective bubble of energy or shields.

  • Rosemary is a powerful protector herb. Planting some fresh Rosemary around your property can protect the energy of your home. Diffusing essential oil can cleanse and protect your aura.

  • Being mindful of where you focus your attention. Where focus goes, energy flows so if you are thinking about someone or something, you are willingly giving your energy to them.

  • Strong boundaries. If you don’t want to do something, you can always say no! You can choose not to reply to a message or email until you feel ready. YOU decide who gets access to you and when! (This is explored in more detail in the Taking Charge Of Your Own Energy blog post)

It really does just boil down to self-love and choosing your own needs over those of others. I know this is a concept that can seem foreign when you are a sensitive soul, especially if you are a parent or in a situation where you are caring for others. But I can guarantee you will feel the benefit of tending to yourself, filling your own cup and then giving to others from the overflow.

Once you start prioritising your own needs and treating yourself the way you deserve, others will soon follow suit.


Take Charge of Your Energetic Health