Take Charge of Your Energetic Health

In a world where we are encouraged to relinquish control of our health to the “health professionals”, it’s a wonder we are able to take charge of any aspect of our wellbeing, never mind our energetic health.

I would argue that a huge factor in any healing journey is to take responsibility and sole ownership of your body, mind and soul.

We are all energetic beings emitting and receiving energy with our physical vessels and the energy field surrounding it. Receiving signals from our environment and from the people we are surrounded by.

I like to think of us as little toroidal fields bobbing around through life, bumping into each other and exchanging energy when we do! Every encounter having a positive, negative or neutral impact.

Take a moment to think back on a day you thoroughly enjoyed. Where you laughed, had fun and think back on fondly…

What were the elements that made this day so amazing? Was it because you were spending time with people you love? Were you in a really exciting environment? Or perhaps you were curled up and cosy with a book?

I bet you felt amazing at the end of the day. And that’s most likely because you were engaged in activities that have a positive effect on your energy. You’ve been around people who energise you or have been doing tasks you love which raises your frequency and charges your energy.

Likewise, if we have been doing mundane tasks that drains us of enthusiasm or spend time with people who exhaust us, we can feel our energy depleting.

We truly are sensitive creatures!

This is an inevitable part of this human experience but I firmly believe that we can and should take control so we can experience more of what rejuvenates us and less of what depletes us.

We are all unique and so will have our own energy chargers and drains, it’s up to you to uncover what they are!

A huge part of my healing journey has been getting to know what my neutral energy feels like so I can become aware of what adds to or subtracts from my energy. And this is how I did it…

Every morning, I would find 10 minutes to myself, no kids, no animals, just me. I created a ritual where I would make myself a cup of tea, light a candle and then sit down to begin.

I would close my eyes and focus on my breath to centre myself and then start a body scan.

Starting at my feet, I would notice every little detail of sensation or emotion. Asking myself how that part of my body is feeling today. Cold or hot, any aches and pains, feelings of anticipation, sadness or joy?

No judgement, just taking note. I would scan my entire body up to the crown of my head, paying specific attention to any emotions I may have noticed.

This is your baseline. Your zero point for the rest of the day. You can then notice if any of this changes with situations or interactions you encounter. Notice if you feel better or worse around certain people. If visiting specific locations invigorates or depletes you.

Once you start to pay attention, it is truly fascinating. And sometimes shocking!

People and places we are familiar with can sometimes be the biggest drain on energetic health.

I have distanced myself from family members and friends because I was horrified at how I felt after being in their company.

This doesn’t mean that I don’t love them anymore and just cut them out my life. It means that I am now awake and aware to their effect on my energy and I can put healthy boundaries in place.

These boundaries can look like me choosing not to see them on a day I am already tired. It can be choosing not to stay as long as they expect me to when visiting.

Choosing my own wellbeing over their expectations.

The key word in all of this is CHOOSE. I get to choose who I spend my time with and spend that time on my terms.

And of course, we all have to do things in life that drains our energy but it’s up to us to recognise those drains and counteract them by filling our energy levels with things that charge us up.

Finding that sweet spot of balance that is unique to each one of us.

No matter how well educated a health professional is, they cannot tell you what that looks like for you because balance is not “one-size-fits-all”.

It’s up to you to CHOOSE to find that balance and it starts by taking ownership of your energetic health & wellbeing.

I truly believe it’s one of the most empowering gifts we can give ourselves and our bodies.


What Is “intention”?


Protect your energy