connecting body, mind & soul

  • Break through anything standing between you and the life you deserve!

    Intuitive Coaching Packages are available for 3 or 6 months, helping you unlock areas of your life that seem out of reach. This could include connecting with your intuition, improving relationships, or creating your ideal job and lifestyle.

    In our sessions, I connect with Spirit and your Higher Self to uncover the reasons for these blocks and provide the personalised tools required to dissolve anything standing in your way.

    These packages aim to spark change and keep you on track toward your goals. Often, we are the ones stopping ourselves from achieving our dreams—let’s change that!

    With monthly 1-on-1 coaching sessions, personalised assignments, weekly check-ins, and a supportive community, you can achieve anything your heart desires!

  • Connect with your body and release the past.

    Trauma is a very subjective and sensitive topic. What one person may perceive as a traumatic occurrence, another person would simply take in their stride.

    Each of us deals with our own version of trauma in our own way. And even in adulthood, our bodies react to trauma based on how we were taught to process this as a child. It becomes an unconscious reaction to the world around us from a young age, creating patterns of behaviour and cognitive functions to cope with life. Often in a state of dysregulation and high anxiety.

    I gently and compassionately support you to identify and transmute the traumas, or after-affects of trauma, which may be holding you back from enjoying life to the fullest.

    Empowering you with somatic techniques to work into your everyday, you can begin to move from a life of merely coping to one of calm and regulated decision making, action and enjoyment.

    Are you ready to finally feel at home in your own body?

  • Connect with your ancestors & release generational trauma.

    This session is an opportunity to connect with your ancestors and deceased loved ones to bring forward and alchemise the karmic lessons and energetic blocks held within your family lineage.

    If you have been working on healing your energy and navigating past trauma but you still feel held back by repeating patterns and blocks showing up in your life, then this session is for you.

    Much of our behavioural patterns and beliefs are inherited and passed on through the bloodline. They are literally held within our DNA and if we do not choose to face and lovingly transmute them, we unconsciously pass them on to our children.

    During an Ancestral Alchemy session, I compassionately hold space and facilitate connection between you and your ancestors, supporting you through the process of alchemising even the deepest trauma held within your lineage. This not only allows you to freely walk in your highest potential, but simultaneously heals the DNA of your ancestors and future generations. All because you were brave enough to take on the challenge!

  • Connect with your intuition.

    Life is noisy! We are constantly bombarded from all directions with phones, TV's, people and over-filled calendars. Barely afforded even a second to slow down and just BE, never mind breathe!

    A Soul Whispers session allows you to step back from the chaos of life for a moment and into a calm space where the gentle whisperings of your soul can be heard. This time is for you and the cultivation of your sacred connection.

    Throughout the process, I compassionately support and guide you to connect with your higher consciousness and bring to light soul contracts, karmic lessons and guidance.

    As these messages come directly from your soul, they frequently offer insights into your life path and soul purpose.

    Spirit Guardians may also make a connection if they have healing messages for you.

    These sessions are highly potent and can assist to increase your intuitive abilities so that you may tune into your Soul Whispers everyday.

  • All I ask is that you come to our session with an open heart and mind. This will allow you to gain maximum benefit from our time together.

    If you feel inclined, you may like to sit for a few moments prior to do some gentle breathing. Perhaps even bringing your awareness to areas of your life you are seeking clarity or guidance.

    And if you have any specific questions you'd like to ask Spirit or your own higher consciousness, please have them to hand.

  • Each session is different but generally you may expect to experience one or all of the following:

    • Clarity

    • Higher perspective

    • Peace of mind/ weight lifted from your shoulders

    • Renewed sense of purpose

    • Positive change in your mindset

    • Less resistance or struggle in life

    • Increased intuitive awareness

    • Change in behaviour of those around you

  • Combining intuitive connection with certified healing techniques, I supportively guide you towards breakthroughs and clarity, allowing you to move forward in life with a deeper understanding of yourself and your situation.

    Each session is individually tailored to your unique circumstances where you will be met with an open heart and a compassionate ear.

    If you are unsure which session is right for you, book a FREE Clarity Call. This is an opportunity to connect with me, ask questions and be guided towards the session best suited to your needs.

    These modalities are all highly potent and do not require you to attend an in-person appointment. However, an in-person appointment can be arranged by request via email.

    Sessions are held on Zoom and last for approximately 60 minutes but please allow up to 90 minutes just in case!

    A Zoom link for your appointment will be sent with your booking confirmation.

    Should you need to reschedule, this can be done via your booking confirmation or booking reminder email up to 24 hours before your appointment time.

Not sure if i’m the right coach for you?

Book a free Clarity call to meet me on zoom and have all your questions answered.

I look forward to chatting with you!